Yee Haww I am
heading back to my cradle!!
I started my
mission with the world's best trainer in the "beautiful" Moreno
Valley. This transfer notice states that I will return to my old area and
finish the training of a new Hermana. I am SO EXCITED! I love the ward to death
and you better believe that I am going back to get some real work D-O-N-E
there. Whoo-hoo!!
So as y'all
know, our mission is focusing heavily on coming to KNOW the Savior. I have
enjoyed doing this so far mainly because it truly has strengthened my
relationship with Him. Here is a little insight on my personal growth and study
concerning Him.
My love has grown bastante as I have come to know the
Savior better. I have been studying the Sacrament and the Atonement more
closely this week and I have come to understand even more about this sacred
ordinance and his supernal sacrifice. One phrase that has popped up several
times throughout my studies is "full of Grace". In Christ there is a
fullness of everything. Love, hope, obedience, diligence, kindness, humility,
patience, virtue, long suffering, charity, tenderness, and of course grace. In
my study of the Stripling Warriors this week I have noticed that they were true
participants in the fullness of Christ's grace. They were diligently righteous
and therefore were worthy to receive the precious gift of grace. My love for
the Savior has increased as I discovered new examples and evidence of the
blessings of Christ's grace in the scriptures. I love how it wraps around the
pleading, penitent, and righteous and gives them the strength, hope and stamina
to continue on. I have felt buoyed by His grace on my mission and I hope to
continue having that strength.
trio had another dumpster photo shoot for you all to enjoy. I am sad to be leaving
the hood and two of the best companions ever but change is splendid.
love the good ole Michuacana Mexican Ice cream!
love Hemet!!! #hemetisheaven
love this woman. I mean Sister. I mean Hermana. #almamate
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