Thursday, March 10, 2016

Give me your hands 3/7/16

This week was a bit of a downer and I am ready for some serious sunshine. Even the sky is raining and that NEVER happens down here. Too many insincere folks this week and our most legit investigator didn't show up to church. We have decided to clean out our entire teaching pool and start fresh this week. Hopefully we will see some fruit. 

This past Monday, my wonderful mission President held one of his his special cross-fit sessions that he does every three months. When President Mullen came into the mission, he was disturbed with how poorly the elders were taking care of their weight gain... SO he took matters into his own hands and holds cross fit sessions for us. 
This particular cross fit, my zone decided to be all cool and get matching shirts and outfits so we could look "tough". We drove up in a fleet of Corollas and marched right into the church gym.. ready for pain. We were feeling pretty good about things until we hit 200 push-ups and out President lapped us twice calling "Come on SLOW-VAL" Haha... It was a good humbling experience and my arms hurt for days so that was lovely. 

Walking out on the calle this week we stumbled upon a woman who was more than ready to share her story with us. Upon asking her if she would like to hear a message about Jesus Christ, she said promptly "give me your hands".. 


She held out here hands and we hesitantly placed ours in hers. She then launched into a story that hit very close to home for me. She told us that she used to hate God, the Bible, and church in general. She didnt believe anything until one fateful Mothers Day 5 years ago. Her 2 year old daughter fell in their swimming pool and drowned. The woman told us that she pulled her daughter out of the pool and prayed for the first time, for a miracle to save her daughter. Summer, her daughter, survived but as a result has severe brain damage. After this experience, this lady became SO DEDICATED to spreading the Christian word, and that God is a God of miracles. I was in shock with this story and I couldn't help but want to share more about how (through the plan of salvation) she could be with her daughter forever after she passes). Unfortunately, the woman was very stuck in her church and was NOT interested in moving. It makes me sad when people find peace and joy in one faith, but they are not aware of how much MORE they could have when they Come unto Christ through faith, repentance and baptism by the correct authority. It is very sad actually.

Anyway! Today is 5 months out for me and I feel like I have been on my mission forever. I love it so much and I know that what we teach is TRUE.
Love you all!
Stay Safe & God Speed.

Love, Hermana Tobler

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