Sunday, February 14, 2016

Gonna hit the ground runnin'... 2/8/16

Pues..... Hola, Hi, and everything in between.

Whilst the harsh grips of winter are still stronger than steel back in Utah- Here in Riverside, we are speedily exiting spring and moving quickly in to the early stages of summer. The wannabe mountains are dotted with tufts of green and fields are beginning to show sighs of growth. The words "verde" and "California" are not typically used together but (for now), we are enjoying the lush beauty. Days are becoming hot and heavy with the heat of summer and nights are balmy with warm breezes. The oxygen that we breathe everyday is rich with the scent of Mexican spiced meats, new plants, and weed. (Depending on where we walk of course). Life couldn't be better here in MoVal Cali and here is why:

TRANSFERS?! Oh no!! My darling trainer and I just love each other so so much. She is honestly one of the most incredible people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Hermana Bjork is a wonderful teacher and has been the best trainer. I was dreading the fact that she might be moved for her last transfer of her mission. (TEARS) So, Saturday night, whilst drowning our sorrows and nervousness in FroYO, We received the call. YES! We will both stay!! I will be the one to kill off my trainer, she and I will get to be companions for nearly 5 months. WOW! We are both so jazzed for the coming transfer and you better believe that we are going to baptized at least 100 people. We also decided that if I teach her how to cook, she will teach me how to fight. She has a black belt in Karate and also did street fighting for years. I am so stoked. Perhaps Rocky Balboa is my spirit animal?

Castidad.... EW. Sometimes members can be little pills. This week, Hermana Bjork, the other Hermanas and I went to our dinner appointment in the home of a member. It was my turn to give the dinner lesson and it was the first day that Hermana Bjork and I were launching our "pornography awareness" message. I began by cutting directly to what we would be talking about, because naturally all members know what the Law of Chastity is right? Wrong. The merciless Hermano proceeded to give me a run for my money as I gave my 100% effort in to explaining what the Law of Chastity is, in the clearest way. I stressed the importance, that like Christ, we too need to be white and pure. To which her replied: "Como? Porque soy moreno!" (How? Because I am brown!) At this point, I finally noticed that all the other sisters were laughing so hard that they had tears streaming down their cheeks. The WHOLE TIME the Hermano knew exactly what I was talking about, he just wanted to make me uncomfortable and explain the Law of Chastity. Well that sure is humbling. I still am a bit miffed that the other Hermanas didn't let me in on the joke. However... I am glad that at my expense, weekly entertainment was provided. 

Miracles!! So the Lord really provides ways for his missionaries to accomplish their work. This week Hermana Bjork and I were hit by an onslaught of cancellations. Nearly EVERY CITA cancelled and it really threw a wrench in things. Still, we kept at it and continued to try to hit our goals. Lots of member present lessons, new investigators, and progressing investigators at church are only a few of the blessings we received. We were able to achieve the new and intensified "Mission Standard Goal" and that was huge for us. I truly believe in the phrase so eloquently stated by Maria in The Sound of Music, "Where God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window". I believe that. 

So apparently synchronized horse dancing is a thing... A BIG thing. In Mexico. We picked up a DARLING 19 year old investigator named Delia this week. She moved here from Mexico 6 months ago to study marketing. SO COOL. Back home she did this horse dancing stuff- she showed us videos on YouTube and it is pretty swell. I suggest you look it up! She was SO open and she asked us so many questions about serving a mission. She even told us that it was something she might want to do! You can imagine our excitement. We are so excited to teach her and get her baptized this transfer. Through the Spirit, Hermana Bjork and I DO WORK. 

I love you all so much. Always remember that missionary work is a call to everyone. There is something everybody can do.
Stay Safe & God Speed
Love, Hermana Tobler

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